14 Oct

SÝN – S12 Galleri og Verksted



SÝN -Æsa Björk


S12 Open access studio and gallery

The Exhibition SÝN gives an insight into the work of one of S12’s founders, Æsa Björk. -an artist with great awareness of the properties and qualities of glass.

The body is a recurring theme in Æsa’s artistic practice, consisting of both sculpture and installations. Her work focuses on the different layers of experience and meaning. She is interested in the boundaries between the inner and outer layers of the human being, and how we perceive ourselves in a given situation. She often works with bold and poetic glass objects and incorporates both photo and video in her work.

 Among the works displayed are Impression II -an installation with two large photographs showing the artist’s naked body covered in heavy solid glass spheres, which at the same time both reveal and conceal the motif. At the other end of the scale we find, First Impression from the Measuring Device for Negative Space – a work so delicate that the shadow is almost more visible than the sculpture itself.

 Æsa uses many different techniques in her approach to glass (pâte de verre, casting, flame working) and is not afraid to explore new directions. SÝN is an exhibition that shows the many qualities that glass can represent – and a good example of the opportunities that open up with an in depth knowledge of the material.

 Æsa Björk was one of the founders of S12 in 2005, and was the managing director until the summer 2011. From then she has been its artistic advisor.  During 2011 – 2014 she was a visiting artist and faculty at Sculpture Dimensional Studies at NYSCC – Alfred University, NY.  In 1997 she received her Masters degree from the Glass Department of Edinburgh College of Art. She also studied as an exchange student at the Prague Academy of Art and Design with Professor Vladimir Kopecky in 1994.  She has spent considerable time at the Pilchuck Glass School both as a student, TA and Emerging Artist in Residence.  In 1996 she was an artist in residence at the Corning Museum of Glass.

Vernissage 10.10.14 at 7 pm. 

The Exhibition will be opened by prizewinning curator Bjørn Inge Follevaag. Music by Heidi og Problemene.